Friday 15 November 2013


In functions and carnivals, in the midst of lights and buffets
Guests with masks of happiness greet, with make-up for an entire year
Gifts, big and bright, and some conspicuously small for an over sized host
Stared at and exchanged, all in various hues glittering wrapper.

Some tear it to shreds, while some preserve it for a summer night
The miser steals it to be used for the next gathering of show-offs
Toddlers shred it, the remains adorn their books and walls,
Gifts gather dust, while the wrapper is crumpled.

Strange are the ways of men
No expense spared on the gift, puppy smile and grin on haggling the price of wrapper
Great care taken to ensure no folds or tears,
Only to be torn in three seconds, the giver forgotten in a few years.

It is the thought that counts of the giver,not his riches
The wrapper, after all, is but a piece of paper
"Oh ignorant Bard, in a world which believes in deception",
Snaps back a lovely dame," looks matter more that intention."

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